181 research outputs found

    Frequency Division Multiplexing Readout and Simultaneous Manipulation of an Array of Flux Qubits

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    An important desired ingredient of superconducting quantum circuits is a readout scheme whose complexity does not increase with the number of qubits involved in the measurement. Here, we present a readout scheme employing a single microwave line, which enables simultaneous readout of multiple qubits. Consequently, scaling up superconducting qubit circuits is no longer limited by the readout apparatus. Parallel readout of 6 flux qubits using a frequency division multiplexing technique is demonstrated, as well as simultaneous manipulation and time resolved measurement of 3 qubits. We discuss how this technique can be scaled up to read out hundreds of qubits on a chip.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Better than a lens -- Increasing the signal-to-noise ratio through pupil splitting

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    Lenses are designed to fulfill Fermats principle such that all light interferes constructively in its focus, guaranteeing its maximum concentration. It can be shown that imaging via an unmodified full pupil yields the maximum transfer strength for all spatial frequencies transferable by the system. Seemingly also the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is optimal. The achievable SNR at a given photon budget is critical especially if that budget is strictly limited as in the case of fluorescence microscopy. In this work we propose a general method which achieves a better SNR for high spatial frequency information of an optical imaging system, without the need to capture more photons. This is achieved by splitting the pupil of an incoherent imaging system such that two (or more) sub-images are simultaneously acquired and computationally recombined. We compare the theoretical performance of split pupil imaging to the non-split scenario and implement the splitting using a tilted elliptical mirror placed at the back-focal-plane (BFP) of a fluorescence widefield microscope

    Resilience index for critical infrastructure self-assessment for hospitals: an exploratory qualitative systems analysis

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    Background: Critical infrastructure (CRITIS) in hospitals has become the focus of resilience research due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and also the events in Ukraine. This foundational research examines overall contexts, categorizing and quantifying them. Previous research examined limited-scale damage situations with little CRITIS involvement: Worst case studies are missing. The vulnerabilities of the CRITIS of one or more countries will likewise be a prime target for attack in current and future conflicts or criminal extortion - this is especially true in the healthcare sector. Therefore, detailed research with a black swan scenario is necessary in this field. Objectives: The aim of the study is to create and validate a categorized and weighted model for the self-assessment of the resilience of critical infrastructure in German hospitals at different levels of care before the exemplary scenario of a prolonged supraregional power blackout. Material and methods: Using an explorative design, experts from 8 hospitals of different care levels performed an expert-based qualitative system analysis to develop, weight and test the model. The resilience index was then calculated using adapted interdependence analyses in a Vester influence matrix. Results: Seven categories and 24 subcategories of hospital CRITIS were identified. There are several key elements: rank 1 of active elements is the emergency power system (E1), and for passive elements, it is the nursing staff (P2). This means the PSU has the greatest impact on all other areas and the nursing staff is most dependent on all others for their work. The most critical elements, because they are most intertwined in the overall system, are the Situation Center/Command Staff (Z1) and Technical Staff (P3), on which the entire system depends. From the weighted individual elements of CRITIS, an overall resilience for a hospital can be calculated (resilience index). The developed model can be used by hospital crisis experts as part of a self-assessment to provide a basis for risk management, financial planning, technical planning, personnel planning or crisis and disaster management. Conclusions: The categorization and quantification of critical infrastructure (CRITIS) in hospitals with the aim of resilience documentation and optimization is possible. The model that has been developed allows rapid adaptation to changing initial situations and increases in resilience that can be realized in the short and medium term. Emergency and crisis preparedness is a dynamic process, which has been combined here with the further development of critical infrastructure. Consequently, there can be 4 no final state to be achieved, but only a certain best possible framework within which the hospital as a business enterprise can operate. The classification of the categories in the model must also be constantly developed further and adapted to the current status. Once the explorative, qualitative basic research has been completed, it is necessary in a further step to subject the model, which has been validated by experts, to a broader review. Ideally, this will be done using quantitative methods and a significantly larger sample.Hintergrund: Die Kritische Infrastruktur in Krankenhäusern (KRITIS) ist durch die Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie und auch der Ereignisse in der Ukraine in den Fokus der Resilienzforschung gerückt. Die vorliegende Grundlagenuntersuchung analysiert Gesamtzusammenhänge, kategorisiert und quantifiziert diese. Bisherige Forschungen untersuchten nur Schadenslagen begrenzten Ausmaßes mit geringer KRITIS-Beteiligung: Worst Case Studien fehlen jedoch. Fragestellung: Ist es möglich, ein kategorisiertes und gewichtetes Modell zur Selbstbewertung der Resilienz Kritischer Infrastruktur in Krankenhäusern für das exemplarische Szenario eines längeren überregionalen Stromausfalls zu erstellen und zu bewerten? Material und Methoden: Das Forschungsdesign ist explorativ. Mit Expert*innen aus acht Kliniken unterschiedlicher Versorgungsstufen wurde in einer qualitativen Systemanalyse das Modell anonym erstellt, gewichtet und getestet. Der Resilienzindex wurde dann mithilfe von adaptierten Interdependenzanalysen berechnet. Ergebnisse: 7 Kategorien und 24 Unterkategorien wurden identifiziert. Die Netzersatzanlage (E1) hat die größten Auswirkungen auf alle anderen Bereiche. Das Pflegepersonal (P2) ist für seine Arbeit am stärksten von allen anderen abhängig. Die kritischsten Elemente sind das Lagezentrum/ der Führungsstab (Z1) und Technisches Personal (P3), von denen das gesamte System abhängt. Aus den gewichteten Einzelelementen lässt sich eine Gesamtresilienz für ein Krankenhaus berechnen (Resilienzindex). Diskussion: Die Kategorisierung und Quantifizierung der KRITIS in Krankenhäusern mit dem Ziel der Resilienzmessung und Optimierung ist möglich. Das erarbeitete Modell erlaubt eine schnelle Anpassung an sich wandelnde Ausgangslagen und kurz sowie mittelfristig realisierbare Resilienzsteigerungen. Die qualitativen Ergebnisse sollten im Rahmen weiterer quantitativer Forschung erweitert und präzisiert werden

    Characterization of unplanned water reuse in the EU. Final Report

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    In order to assess policy options regarding requirements for water reuse via agricultural irrigation and groundwater recharge, the European Commission requested an additional source of information. Thus, the aim of this study was to benchmark the current degree of unplanned water reuse in Europe, in particular in areas that are practicing agriculture irrigation and artificial groundwater recharge using surface water. This assessment included a characterization of qualities of water sources currently used in agricultural irrigation in the EU, including direct and indirect reuse of treated wastewater. In addition, the extent of unplanned reuse and the impact of the development of planned (and direct) water reuse has been assessed for case studies in selected EU river basins in Spain, Italy, France and GermanyCon el fin de evaluar las opciones políticas relativas a los requisitos de reutilización del agua a través del riego agrícola y la recarga de aguas subterráneas, la Comisión Europea solicitó una fuente adicional de información. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio era comparar el grado actual de reutilización no planificada del agua en Europa, en particular en las zonas que practican el riego agrícola y la recarga artificial de aguas subterráneas con aguas superficiales. Esta evaluación incluyó una caracterización de la calidad de las fuentes de agua utilizadas actualmente en el riego agrícola en la UE, incluida la reutilización directa e indirecta de las aguas residuales tratadas. Además, se ha evaluado el alcance de la reutilización no planificada y el impacto del desarrollo de la reutilización planificada (y directa) del agua para estudios de caso en cuencas hidrográficas seleccionadas de la UE en España, Italia, Francia y Alemania

    Nanograting-Enhanced Optical Fibers for Visible and Infrared Light Collection at Large Input Angles

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    The efficient incoupling of light into particular fibers at large angles is essential for a multitude of applications; however, this is difficult to achieve with commonly used fibers due to low numerical aperture. Here, we demonstrate that commonly used optical fibers functionalized with arrays of metallic nanodots show substantially improved large-angle light-collection performances at multiple wavelengths. In particular, we show that at visible wavelengths, higher diffraction orders contribute significantly to the light-coupling efficiency, independent of the incident polarization, with a dominant excitation of the fundamental mode. The experimental observation is confirmed by an analytical model, which directly suggests further improvement in incoupling efficiency through the use of powerful nanostructures such as metasurface or dielectric gratings. Therefore, our concept paves the way for high-performance fiber-based optical devices and is particularly relevant within the context of endoscopic-type applications in life science and light collection within quantum technology

    Экологическая оценка состояния растений произрастающих в зоне влияния выбросов железорудных шахт

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    Выполнены исследования состояния растений произрастающих на территориях прилегающих к железорудному комбинату. Установлены закономерности изменения степени повреждения озимой пшеницы в зависимости от расстояния до вентиляционных стволов железорудной шахты.Виконані дослідження стану рослин, що зростають на територіях прилеглих до залізорудного комбінату. Встановлено закономірності зміни ступеня пошкодження озимої пшениці в залежності від відстані до вентиляційних стволів залізорудної шахти.The studies of the status of plants growing in areas adjacent to the iron ore plant are conducted. The regularities of changes in the damage degree of winter wheat depending on the distance to the ventilation shafts of iron ore mines are fixed